rate Your A1C

A1c Range - rate Your A1C.
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Do you know about - rate Your A1C

A1c Range! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

You have been diagnosed with diabetes, you take your medications and you check your blood sugar (sometimes). You are doing a good job, or so you think. You go to your doctor's appointment and he informs you that your hemoglobin A1C is too high and your diabetes medications need to be adjusted. You leave the doctor's office thinking, "What is a hemoglobin A1C?" In this blog I will elucidate what a hemoglobin A1C lab is, why it is leading and how to enhance it.

What I said. It is not outcome that the true about A1c Range. You look at this article for facts about an individual need to know is A1c Range.

How is rate Your A1C

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from A1c Range.

1. What is a hemoglobin A1C?

Hemoglobin is a protein in your blood. A ration of sugar attaches itself to this protein. The more sugar you have in your blood, the greater the ration of your A1C. Habitancy without diabetes have less than 6% of sugar attached to their hemoglobin. Habitancy with diabetes typically have more.

2. Why is it important?

The hemoglobin A1C is leading because this lab measures your midpoint blood glucose. For example, if man has an A1C of 10%, this man has an midpoint blood sugar of 275mg/dl. This value is above the recommended range. The American Diabetes association recommends you articulate an A1C of less than 7% or 170mg/dl. However, just decreasing your A1C by 1% will significantly reduce your chance of suffering side effects of diabetes (i.e. Kidney disease, amputation, blindness).

3. How do I enhance my A1C?

You need to monitor your blood sugar more frequently. Many Habitancy with diabetes only check their blood sugar in the morning. Your fasting blood glucose does not give you the big picture. You need to check your blood sugar before you eat a meal (pre-prandial) and two hours after a meal (postprandial). These values will tell you if you are eating too many carbohydrates or if your diabetic medications are working. If your insurance only gives you one or two test strips a day, pick your biggest meal of the day to check your blood sugar. You can also ask your physician for more test strips. Many doctors are willing to furnish you extra test strips if the effect is great blood glucose control.

If you have any questions concerning this topic or any of my blogs, email me at askard@stablebloodsugar.com. Allison

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